Here are some important things to note before your microblading session

Microblading is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps enhance the appearance of eyebrows or hairline. Before you undergo a microblading session, it's important to be aware of certain considerations to ensure the best possible outcome and a smooth healing process. Here are some things to take note of:

Stop taking vitamins E and any blood thinning medications

These can increase the risk of bleeding during the microblading procedure. It is recommended to avoid these medications for a certain period before your appointment.

Plan your dates and avoid menstruation period

It is advisable to avoid scheduling your microblading session during your menstrual cycle as hormonal changes can affect the skin's sensitivity and healing process.

No exercising on the day of your appointment

Vigorous physical activity can increase blood flow and sweating, which can interfere with the healing process. It is best to avoid exercising on the day of your microblading session.

Ensure your skin is not dry or flaky

Dry or flaky skin can affect the microblading process and result in less desirable outcomes. Keep your skin well-moisturized leading up to the appointment to ensure it is in the best condition possible.

Keep your skin blemish-free and acne-free

It is important to have a clean and clear canvas for the microblading procedure. Avoid any skincare products or treatments that may cause breakouts or irritate the skin before your session.

Avoid surgeries or laser treatments

If you have recently undergone any surgical procedures or laser treatments in the eyebrow or forehead area, it is recommended to wait until the area has fully healed before scheduling a microblading session.

These are just a few important considerations to keep in mind before your microblading session. Following these guidelines can help ensure the best possible outcome and enhance your overall experience.


Which types of skin are not suitable for microblading?


Preparing Your Skin for microblading