Which types of skin are not suitable for microblading?

Microblading is not recommended for the following skin types due to specific concerns:

Oily skin

If you have oily skin, it may not be the best fit for microblading. Excessive oil production can interfere with the healing process and the retention of pigment in the skin. The excess oil can cause the pigment to blur or fade faster, resulting in less defined and shorter-lasting results. Individuals with oily skin may require more frequent touch-ups to maintain the desired look.

Skin with large pores

Skin with large pores may not hold the microblading pigment as well as other skin types. The fine incisions made during the procedure may not be able to retain the pigment effectively, leading to less defined and shorter-lasting results. It is important to note that not all individuals with large pores are unsuitable for microblading. A professional microblading artist can assess the skin's condition and determine if the procedure is appropriate or if alternative techniques may be more suitable.

Red sensitive skin

Individuals with red, sensitive skin may experience heightened discomfort during the microblading procedure. The process involves using a handheld tool with tiny needles, which can cause more irritation and potential inflammation for those with sensitive skin. It is essential to consult with a professional microblading artist who can assess the skin's sensitivity and advise on the best course of action. They may recommend alternative treatments or techniques that are better suited for sensitive skin.

Acne-prone skin

Active acne or frequent breakouts can interfere with the microblading process and healing. It is advisable to wait until the skin is clear and stable before undergoing microblading to ensure optimal results. Acne-prone skin tends to have a higher turnover of skin cells, which can affect the retention of pigment and the overall appearance of the microbladed eyebrows. It is important to work with a professional who can guide you on the best timing for the procedure based on your skin's condition.

In conclusion, while microblading can be a fantastic solution for many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. Oily skin, skin with large pores, red sensitive skin, and acne-prone skin have specific concerns that can affect the outcome and longevity of microbladed eyebrows. It is crucial to consult with a professional microblading artist who can assess your skin type and condition to determine if microblading is the right choice for you. They can provide alternative solutions or techniques that may be better suited for your individual needs.


post microblading


Here are some important things to note before your microblading session